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Philippines acts to stop the struggling cryptocurrency behemoth Binance

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Follows exchange chief resigning in wake of U.S. money-laundering case

Binance launched in Thailand in November, gaining its first foothold in Southeast Asia.   © Reuters

| Philippines

MANILA -- The Philippines securities regulator said Wednesday it was moving to block access to embattled cryptocurrency giant Binance, just a week after its top executive stepped down and pleaded guilty in a U.S. money-laundering case.

The ban is the latest blow for the world's biggest crypto exchange, which hopes to expand in Southeast Asia amid its U.S legal woes and a ban on doing business in China.

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Author: Jon Jordan

Last Updated: 1703860203

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Name: Jon Jordan

Birthday: 1968-10-24

Address: 372 Harmon Mills, Bowmanport, ND 53829

Phone: +3971356081230335

Job: Paramedic

Hobby: Horseback Riding, Bird Watching, Gardening, Metalworking, Stamp Collecting, Writing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Jon Jordan, I am a receptive, brilliant, striking, ingenious, Adventurous, Open, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.